Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider's teaching career has been impressive. As well as having taken part in forming some of the most talented musicians coming out of Denmark (names including Nikolaj Znaider, Niklas Walentin (Trio Vitruvi), Frederik Øland (Danish String Quartet) and Kirstine Schneider), her work has built up talent education at RDAM building The Junior Academy and the outreach project “Lørdagsskole”.
For four years she was leading The International Minifiddler Project at RDAM.
In 2018 she started a teaching project in collaboration with the music festival Hellensmusic , working with young kids and local teachers in Herefordshire, UK.
Elisabeth also teaches workshops frequently.
Subjects for workshops are:
“Bach revisited” - on translating the soloworks for violin into three-part triosonatas.
“To play words” - on the Bach oratorios and cantatas
"Schumann and his Passion"
"Beethovens 10 violinsonatas"
"The Kodaly concept and the Colourstring method"
“To hear with your ears and see with your hands” - creative sight-reading